卑鄙的我抱歉,先生,请问有厕所吗?Excu me, sir, is there a commode?弓字旁的字贾斯汀!Justin!快,宝贝,照张相,我手托金字塔Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.贾斯汀,你马上给我回来!Justin, you get back here right now!不,快停下!No,
卑鄙的我抱歉,先生,请问有厕所吗?Excu me, sir, is there a commode?贾斯汀!Justin!快,宝贝,照张相,我手托金字塔Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.贾斯汀,你马上给我回来!袜圈Justin, you get back here right now!不,快停下!No, st
英语读后感100字精选英语读后感100字英语读后感100字(一)——《基督山伯爵》读后感Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads " Christ mountain reve
名校版高考英语语法考点解析 disgusted用法1.be disgusted at/by/with sb/sth/yourlf)对……厌恶的;憎恶的;反感的I was disgusted at/by the sight.我一看就恶心。I was disgusted with mylf for eating so much.赛尔号英文我吃得太多,自己觉得无地自容。But what I re
1. be indignant with sb. 对某人感到愤慨]2. be indignant at /about sth. 对某事感到愤慨e.g.:We were indigant at such a fal accusation.3. be annoyed with 被.....惹恼e.g. :He was not annoyed with me for pointing out his
Chapter 3What is Money?1. (b)3. Cavemen did not need money. In their primitive economy, they did not specialize in producing one type of good and they had little need to tr
名校版高考英语语法考点解析 disgusted用法1.be disgusted at/by/with sb/sth/yourlf)云蒸霞蔚对……厌恶的;憎恶的;反感的I was disgusted at/by the sight.我一看就恶心。I was disgusted with mylf for eating so much.一衣带水的水指什么河我吃得太多,自己觉得无地自容。But
卑鄙的我1/3抱歉,先生,请问有厕所吗?Excu me, sir, is there a commode?贾斯汀!Justin!快,宝贝,照张相,我手托金字塔Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand.贾斯汀,你马上给我回来!Justin, you get back here right now!不,快停下!No, s
情绪●积极的(positive)●快乐的,高兴的●happyThe news made him very happy. ●glad/ɡlæd/I'm so glad to e you. ●adj. 高兴的;感激的;乐意的,非常愿意的;令人愉快的●cheerful /ˈtʃɪrf(ə)l/Why are you so bright and cheerful today? ●adj. 欢快的,高兴