乔迁之喜邀请短信Dulce et Decorum Est茯苓功效与作用 Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, 弯腰再弯腰,就像麻袋片下的乞丐佬,Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we curd through sludge, 迈着八字步,就像咳嗽的女巫,嘴里的淤血封不住我们的诅咒,Till on the
油气的常用英文翻译油气的常用英文翻译油气的英文:oil gasoil vapour参考例句:北方民族大学排名recombination sampling油气再混合成样The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按
油气的常用英文翻译油气的常用英文翻译油气的英文:oil gasoil vapour参考例句:recombination sampling油气再混合成样The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined容州古城地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按常规测定