《榆树下的欲望》PART III SCENE FOUR∙ DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS About an hour later. Same as Scene Three. Shows the kitchen and Cabot's bedroom. It is after dawn. The sky is brilliant with the sunri. In the kitc
《榆树下的欲望》PART I SCENE THREE∙ DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS It is the pitch darkness just before dawn. Eben comes in from the left and goes around to the porch, feeling his way, chuckling bitterly and cursing h
《榆树下的欲望》PART I SCENE FOUR∙ DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS Same as Scene Two--shows the interior of the kitchen with a lighted candle on table. It is gray dawn outside. Simeon and Peter are just finishing their
《榆树下的欲望》PART III SCENE FOUR∙ DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS About an hour later. Same as Scene Three. Shows the kitchen and Cabot's bedroom. It is after dawn. The sky is brilliant with the sunri. In the kitc
《榆树下的欲望》PART I SCENE THREE∙ DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS It is the pitch darkness just before dawn. Eben comes in from the left and goes around to the porch, feeling his way, chuckling bitterly and cursing h
英语翻译秘笈小鸟和牵牛花部门: xxx 时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑小鸟和牵牛花A Nestling and A Plant of Morning GloryA Little Bird and a Morning Glory linea(注:nestling是指还不会飞、只能呆在窝里的幼鸟>院子里的榆树上有一个鸟窝,鸟窝里住着一只小鸟,小鸟每天飞下树来,跟小花.小草一起玩