铁路专业英语词汇接点断开 contact open 继电器吸起;继电器励磁 relay energized 继电器释放;继电器失磁 relay relead 吸起时间 pick-up time 释放时间;落下时间 drop away time 转换时间 transfer time 转极时间 pole-changing time 缓吸时间 slow pick-up time 缓放时间 slow
菜心1、One possibility with electric locomotives is that the motor can be ud as a generator during braking, feeding electricity back into the supply system; this is called regenerative braking.译:在电力机车进
铁路机车常用英文词汇铁路机车常用英文词汇机车 locomotive 河北省学位英语考试机车种类 types of locomotive 蒸汽机车 steam locomotive simon cowell内燃机车;曾用名"柴油机车" diel locomotive 电力机车 electric locomotive 燃气轮机车 gasturbine locomotive 动车组 motor tr
The Growth of RailwaysChapter One:The birth of railwaysThe birth of railwaysIn factories and mines, 200 years ago, heavy trucks had to be pulled by hors, or even by people.Wooden boards were put dow
效果密码opera是什么意思 Player ability三角函数公式大全游戏效果 Full Health回复最佳状态#12012年6月英语四级答案 Car Mass Hole路上汽车数量大增palacemoon com#2 Milk Bones增加攻击损伤#3 Add Police Notoriety增加一星警察通缉#4公主日记1在线观
效果密码 Player ability游戏效果 Full Health纽约 电影回复最佳状态#1 Car Mass Hole路上汽车数量大增#2 黑眼睛听力Milk Bones增加攻击损伤#3 Add Police Notoriety增加一星警察通缉#4 Player Pratfalls播放Pratfalls #5
效果密码 Player ability游戏效果 Full Health回复最佳状态#1 Car Mass Hole路上汽车数量大增#2 Milk Bones增加攻击损伤#3王姓的来源和历史 Add Police Notoriety增加一星警察通缉#4 Player Pratfalls播放Pratfalls #5安徒生童话人物&