一、总体部分GENERAL PART 1、 船型及用途SHIPFORM AND PURPOSE 本船为钢质全焊接结构、单甲板、尾机型、,单桨、单舵,由柴油机驱动螺旋桨推进的散货船,具有球尾和球鼻首线型。设有首楼、尾楼、尾部尾楼甲板以上设有四层甲板室。首部设有应急消防泵舱,货舱区域设置双壳、双层底,机舱设置双层底。本船设置四个货舱和3台
船舶建造合同Shipbuilding Contract(HULL NO. ) (船号:)This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinaft
一、总体部分GENERAL PART 1、 船型及用途SHIPFORM AND PURPOSE开卷有益作文 本船为钢质全焊接结构、单甲板、尾机型、,单桨、单舵,由柴油机驱动螺旋桨推进的散货船,具有球尾和球鼻首线型。设有首楼、尾楼、尾部尾楼甲板以上设有四层甲板室。首部设有应急消防泵舱,货舱区域设置双壳、双层底,机舱设置双层底。本船设置四
1. WARRANTY-VOYAGE-CARGO.古埃及历史 The vesl, clasd as spcified in Part Ⅰ hereof, and to be so maintained during the currency of this Charter, shall, with all conveient dispatch, proceed as ordered to
目 录 CONTENT xp~YIeSg 1. General principles 总则 8g-P_[> 2. Mooring trial系泊试验 7:# 2.1 The inspection of vesl main dimensions, loadline and draft mark船舶主尺度