类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载part 1.天文类1 astronom y 天文astronom y 天文学astronom ical 天文的astronom ical obrvat ory 天文台astronom er 天文学家astrophy sics 天文物理学astrolog y 占星学pudosc ience 伪科学cosmos(u niver)
必答题1.There are _____________ stars on the flag of the US.(50)2.How often do the Olympic Games be held?(Every four years )3.What kind of dog can't bark(吠)?(hot dog )4.The five rings of the Olympic Game
Recently, 12 new moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter, 最近我们又发现了12颗绕着木星公转的卫星bringing the total up to 79. 木星的卫星总量提高到了79颗现代鲁滨逊As a middle child mylf, I'd like to extend 而作为家中排行中间的孩子