六一儿童节英语作文-快乐的记忆The first time I play trampoline was last year's June 1 children's day.That day in the beginning, I step on the soft bed likefeet standing on cotton, top-heavy stand, heart, very fright
英语美文欣赏富爸爸穷爸爸Most parents would probably be extremely grateful to be shown an easy way to inSffll into their children an appreciation of the value of money and a better understanding of how to make it,
英语美文欣赏富爸爸穷爸爸六月荷花开Most parents would probably be extremely grateful to be shown an easy way to inSffll into their children an appreciation of the value of money and a better understanding of how to mak
TED为什么健康的⽣活⽅式⼏乎把我害死A.J.雅各布斯⽤了整整⼀年的时间,遵循他听到的每⼀条健康建议--从⽤玻璃杯来抹防晒霜到戴着⾃⾏车头盔购物。在TEDMED的演讲台上,雅各布斯与⼤家分享了他在这个过程中发现的许多让⼈意想不到的事情。中英⽂对照翻译I've spent the last decade subjecting mylf to pain and humiliation, hopef