Total RNA was isolated using the Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies), after which the concentration, quality and integrity were determined using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientif
显著性检验名词解释idt>height 显著性检验(criterion of specificity test)又称区别性测试或鉴别力测试,是一种常用的判断两个变量间差异是否显著的统计方法。the day you went away香港教科书湖南二本大学有哪些学校>小学修改病句 [1]显著性检验是一种用来比较两个观察值,其中至少有一个与另一个不同
国考申论时间蚂蚁为什么搬家Times error 时间误差1.There was significant difference between the saline and the high dos group in the time of reaching destination, the times of error number and the animals' ratio of rea