bepopularfor的用法be popular for 是表示“因...而受欢迎”如:He is popular for his songs.他因为他的歌而受欢迎.应该没有be popular to(字典里没有), 有be popular with,表示“在...当中受欢迎”。 字体手写扩展资料厚积薄发造句How long do you think SC will be popular for
银河系用英语怎么说银河系是太阳系所在的星系,包括1000到4000亿颗恒星和大量的星团、星云,还有各种类型的星际气体和星际尘埃。那么你知道银河系用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。银河系的英语说法1:激励政策galaxy银河系的英语说法2:许我尘埃落定Milky Way system银河系的相关短语:银河系外行星 extragalactic planet银河系大战 war of the Galaxy
【102】The One With The Sonogram At The End american weddingantique’s 求职信封面No.2 The One With the Sonogram at the End columnist上集说道Rach和Ross分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross得知前妻Carol有了身孕,被迫同Carol的伴侣Susan一起,陪Carol参加
H. G. Wells 赫乔 威尔斯(1866-1946), English author, futurist, essayist, historian, socialist, and teacher wrote 儿童节英语怎么说The War of the Worlds 《星际战争》(1898);Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to ou
Package‘FSelector’August29,2013Type PackageTitle Selecting attributesVersion0.19Date2013-02-28Author Piotr RomanskiMaintainer Lars Kotthoff<>Description This package provides fun