Unit 13 FriendshipWord Bankaccount:n. a written or spoken description of an event(书面或口头)报告acquaintance: a person that you have met but do not know well相识,熟人巧克力的功效与作用谁偷走了我的时间affection: a feeling of lik
change的形容词怎么写change的形容词是changeable.changeable:adj.可变的;易变的;可能变化的;常变的。 扩展资料干燥起皮The forecast is for changeable weather.如何看八字江郎才尽的典故预报针对的是变化无常的天气。宋钟基The weather was very changeable last winter.去年冬天天气变化无常。
changeable是什么意思changeable的意思是:可变的;changeable:adj.可变的;易变的;可能变化的;常变的;派生词: changeability 扩展资料The weather is very changeable at this time of year.年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。The weather is very changeable at the momen
changeable是什么意思changeable的意思是:可变的;changeable:adj.可变的;易变的;可能变化的;常变的;派生词: changeability 扩展资料The weather is very changeable at this time of year.年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。The weather is very changeable at the momen