英汉翻译常用技巧----增词法Oct. 24th –28th增词法是指在原文的基础上添加必要的单词,词组,分句或完整句,从而使译文在语法,形式上都符合汉语的习惯并使译文在文化背景,词语联想方面与原文保持一致,以达到疑问与原文在内容,形式和精神方面对等起来的目的。Practices first: 1.In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts a
On the road, our lives have been affirmed. Along the way, we have failed and succeeded, we have tears and moved, there are twists and turns, there are smooth roads, there are opportunities and dreams.
be engaged in的用法Be Engaged in的用法 石家庄限行规定炖羊腿的做法Be Engaged in,即从事的意思,比如从事某项工作、投身于学术研究等,是我们日常生活中常用到的一句英文表达。下面就为大家详细讲解关于be engaged in的英文用法及例句。 1、 be engaged in 的基本含义 Be Engaged in原义是“ 忙于做某事”,是engage这一动词的i