礼物英文第10章 消费者剩余1.假设效用函数是拟线性的,证明间接效用函数是价格的凸函数。Suppo that utility is quasilinear. Show that the indirect utility function is a convex function of prices.9492英语口语视频证明:假设效用函数具有()01x u x +的形式,考虑效用的下面形式的最大
一Paragraph 1Then suddenly Mrs. Sappleton brightened into alert attention. “Here they are at last! Just in time for tea!” she cried. Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look i
董事会秘书职责第10章 消费者剩余1.假设效用函数是拟线性的,证明间接效用函数是价格的凸函数。Suppo that utility is quasilinear. Show that the indirect utility function is a convex function of prices.证明:假设效用函数具有()01x u x +的形式,考虑效用的下面形式的最大化问题:将预算