In Proc. Document Analysis and Recognition,Seoul,Korea, via a centroid and a certain number of ba vectors can be computed by applying Principle Component Anal-ysis(PCA)to the fa
反馈(给予和收到)(Feedback (giving and receiving))章鱼烧粉The nineteenth chapter is feedback (giving and receiving)Feedback (feedback) (giving giving and receiving receiving) means that, to some extent, you can s
有关断路器型号中In Ir Inm的说明有关断路器型号中In Ir Inm的说明2010-12-27 22:38一、In是过负荷脱扣器的额定电流,Ir是长延时过负荷脱扣器整定电流,Isd是短延时过负荷脱扣器的整定电流。Im是瞬时(热磁)脱扣器整定电流。国标《低压开关设备和控制设备低压断路器》GBl 4048.2-94(等效采用IEC947-2)对断路器的额定电流的概念有如下解释:断路器的额定电流1