贵在持之以恒淺談意圖與行為的不對稱交互關係The Asymmetrical Correlation Thesis原文出處Adopted from "Intention-nsitive or irrelevant Ethics?" Paragraph 4, P.9 "The asymmetrical correlation thesis: intention and action are cor
MantleDolman馒头和多尔曼阿根廷的英文会计面试自我介绍ui设计师薪水A mantle (from mantellum, the Latin term for a cloak) is a type of loo garment usually worn over indoor clothing to rve the same purpo as an overcoat. Tech
MantleDolman馒头和多尔曼4岁男宝宝身高体重标准表鳊鱼A mantle (from mantellum, the Latin term for a cloak) is a type of loo garment usually worn over indoor clothing to rve the same purpo as an overcoat. Technically
工地实习日记最新GRE分类词汇积累GRE分类词汇记忆:带子16.4 带子英雄联盟蛇女band n. 带子;收音机波段bandage n. 绷带;v. 用绷带包扎tourniquet n. 止血带fascia n. 饰带;(商店上挂的)招牌frieze n. (在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)饰带,横条fillet n. 束发带;鱼肉片girdle n. 腰带;转绕物;v. 环绕buckle n. 皮