Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in the capillary亭的组词structure of a loop heat pipeTarik Kaya *,John GoldakCarleton University,Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,1125Colonel
定语从句 Many people believe that we have developed into a throw-away society 春节有关的诗句While there are both benefits and drawbacks to a multicutural society, it is safe to say that the pros outweigh the co
主谓一致练习题(四)1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.凉拌芹菜叶的做法4. Either my shoes or your coa
哈尔滨文庙高中英语翻译练习题(一)1. The sheep are eating grass at the foot of the mountain.2. He gave me some photos he took of some potatoes and tomatoes.3. My teachers gave me a lot of good advice, when I was a stu
会议议程Journal of Financial Economics73(2004)201–228Firm size and the gains from acquisitions$Sara B.Moeller a,Frederik P.Schlingemann b,Ren!e M.Stulz c,*a Cox School of Business,Southern Methodist Unive