实用消防与救生相关英语词汇(值得收藏)来源:航运精英圈(ID:amanfriend)一. 消防Fire protection, detection and extinction微信个性控制站 Control stationA级分隔围蔽防火区域 Fire ctions enclod by “A” class divisionsB级分隔围蔽防火区域 
标准海事通信用语--Part 2 1). Operative ship handing船舶操纵sat培训(1)Handover of watchkeeping responsibilities值班责任的交接Briefing on position, movement and draft关于船舶位置,运动和吃水的概述way point/reporting point航路点/报告点movement运动
标准海事通信用语--Part 2 1). Operative ship handing船舶操纵(1)Handover of watchkeeping responsibilities值班责任的交接Briefing on position, movement and draft关于船舶位置,运动和吃水的概述way point/reporting point航路点/报告点movement运动true
实用消防与救生相关英语词汇(值得收藏)来源:航运精英圈(ID:amanfriend)生活大爆炸12季一. 消防learnfromFire protection, detection and extinction控制站 Control stationA级分隔围蔽防火区域 Fire ctions enclod by “A” class divisionsB级
实用消防与救生相关英语词汇(值得收藏)来源:航运精英圈(ID:amanfriend)一. 消防Fire protection, detection and extinction控制站 Control stationA级分隔围蔽防火区域 Fire ctions enclod by “A” class divisions馅饼的家常做法B级分隔围蔽防火区域&n
第二节 SOLAS公约的有关内容 0010. A flooded lifeboat on board a vesl would adverly affect the vesl's stability by ___D___.[102]船上救生艇进水对船舶稳性造成的负面影响是()A.increasing the righting moment 增大扶正力矩B.decreasing the
第二节 SOLAS公约的有关内容 0010. A flooded lifeboat on board a vesl would adverly affect the vesl's stability by ___D___.[102]船上救生艇进水对船舶稳性造成的负面影响是()A.森马加盟increasing the righting moment 增大扶正力矩B.decreasing