海关常用英语词汇报关单delcaration form海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。Three steps-declaration, examination of goods and relea of goods, are taken by the Customs to exerci control over general import and export g
Company Letter Head公司信头FINAL RELEASE INSTRUCTION最终放行说明Date: June 10,2009秦国日期: 2009-06-10To: CWT Commodities (China) Pte Ltd寄:CWT 商品(中国)私营有限公司Attn: Edward Wan and
Company Letter Head公司信头FINAL RELEASE INSTRUCTION最终放行说明Date: June 10,2009日期:肠梗阻 2009-06-10To: CWT Commodities (China) Pte Ltd寄:CWT 商品(中国)私营有限公司Attn: Edward Wan an
空中交通无线电通话用语范例(VATPRC版)The example of radiotelephony communications for air traffic rvices(VATPRCver.)作者/Author: VATPRC Han Cui (1193569)参考素材:《空中交通无线电通话用语》(中国民用航空总局)ICAO doc 4444 《Air Traffic Managem
空中交通无线电通话用语范例(VATPRC版)The example of radiotelephony communications for air traffic rvices(VATPRCver.)作者/Author: VATPRC Han Cui (1193569)参考素材:《空中交通无线电通话用语》(中国民用航空总局)ICAO doc 4444 《Air Traffic Managem
空中交通无线电通话用语范例(VATPRC版)The example of radiotelephony communications for air traffic rvices(VATPRCver.)作者/Author: VATPRC Han Cui (1193569)参考素材:《空中交通无线电通话用语》(中国民用航空总局)ICAO doc 4444 《Air Traffic M