世博热词:“镇馆之宝”英语怎么说本次世博会中国馆中展出了许多国家级珍品文物,都是由各地博物馆借出的,有些还是博物馆的镇馆之宝。中国馆副馆长近日透露,即将展出比《清明上河图》级别更高的国宝。“镇馆之宝”这个词我们用英语要怎么说呢?如果意译的话,我们可以说成是the reprentative piece of the collection,或者是most-treasured piece of th
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形客小区景色优美的英语单词句子ppt怎么插入音乐炒豆角丝I live in a beautiful neighborhood。There is a big garden,which grows many lovely flowers and tall trees。Behind the buildings,there are wonderful mountains。We often go for a