·204·2017 The leakage neturon yields and its average enenery as a function of tungsten density at the diameter of50cm were studied and shown in Fig.2(a).Here,R/N is a parameter to describe the porous
大一英语期末考试试题精选(3)B) the more difficult they will be trained to manage fearC) the more stresd and ten they areD) the longer cours they will take to manage fear33. What’s the purpo of some special
I C S83.140.10G31occupy产科出科小结中华人民共和国国家标准G B/T34848 2017热收缩薄膜收缩性能试验方法D e t e r m i n a t i o no f s h r i n k a g e c h a r a c t e r f o r h e a t-s h r i n k a b l e f i l m s(I S O14616:1997,P l a s
内养护剂、膨胀剂、减缩剂对高强混凝土早期收缩的影响银行开户证明李飞;詹炳根【摘 要】The effect of super absorbent polymer(SAP) ,expansion agent(EA) and shrinkage reducing agent(SRA) admixtures on the early autogenous shrinkage of high‐strengt
第40卷第2期2021年2月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.40㊀No.2February,2021SAP 内养生路面混凝土收缩性能及力学性能研究劳家荣1,黄忠财1,郭寅川2,陈㊀琳3,申爱琴2,杨景玉2(1.广西桂龙高速公路有限公司,南宁㊀530011;2.长安大学,教育部特殊地区公路工程重点实验室,西安㊀710064;3