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1. 背夹电池 POWER CASE对自己好点2. 移动电源 POWER BANK3无线充:Wireless charging4.快速充电quick charge5.电容很大The capacity is very large.6.轻薄light & thin7.携带方便Portable convenience8.正品不伤手机Real products & don't hurt c
复合材料学报第28卷 第5期 10月 2011年A cta M ateriae Co mpo sitae SinicaV ol 28N o 5桌面图标怎么设置大小October2011文章编号:1000-3851(2011)05-0096-04收到初稿日期:2010-09-13;收到修改稿日期:2011-03-15;网络出版时间:2011-05-17 09:10
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EGG SHAKER ST-803CS INSTRUCTION MANUALST-803CS打蛋机使用说明书A. IMPORTANT NOTES 重要提示When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaution must always be followed:当使用电器设备时,必须注意下述安全防护措施:1. Read all instruc