航海英语听力与会话问答题答案:下划线的为关键词第一章 问答题1 what is your favorite TV program(电视节目)? My favorite TV program is sports program(体育).2.what is your favorite web site? My favorite web site is www. 好的国货护肤品3 wh
航海英语听力与会话问答题答案:下划线的为关键词第一章 问答题1 what is your favorite TV program(电视节目)? My favorite TV program is sports program(体育).2.what is your favorite web site? My favorite web site is www. 3 what is y
航海英语听力与会话问答题答案:下划线的为关键词第一章 问答题1 what is your favorite TV program(电视节目)? My favorite TV program is sports program(体育).2.what is your favorite web site? My favorite web site is www. 3 what is y
就是搁浅用英语怎么说?搁浅 句子:在我国南沙半月礁附件海域搁浅的海军护卫舰成功脱浅。误译:The navy frigate that had stranded in the waters around the Banyue Shoal of China’s Nansha Islands succeeded in refloating. 正译:The navy frigate that
就是搁浅用英语怎么说?以搁浅 句子:在我国南沙半月礁附件海域搁浅的海军护卫舰成功脱浅。静秋误译:The navy frigate that had stranded in the waters around the Banyue Shoal of China’s Nansha Islands succeeded in refloating. 正译:The navy frigate th