動物傳染病分類表甲類疾病代碼中文病名英文病名A010口蹄疫Foot and mouth diaA030豬水疱病Swine vesicular diaA040牛瘟Rinderpest廉而不刿A050小反芻獸疫Peste des petits ruminantsA060牛接觸傳染性胸膜肺炎Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia A070牛結節疹Lumpy s
公司英語一、織機構及職位XX電子有限公司XX Electronics CO., Ltd總經理辦公室General manager’s office企管部Enterpri management department (EM)行政部Administration department (AD)銷售部Sales department (SD)財務部Financial department (FD)技術
RJ45可靠性试验项目、测试要求、判定标准、依据规范一览表保持力Plug retention 用20磅的轴向载荷,将带锁扣的插头以每分钟5英寸的速度插入,维持5秒的负荷。Apply an axial load of 20 pounds to plug housing at a rate of .5inch per minute with plug mated in jack and latch e