Large eddy simulation of vortex shedding and pressurefluctuation in aerostatic bearingsJincheng Zhu a,Han Chen a,b,Xuedong Chen a,na State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technol
whom造句简单一问一答1. Q: Whom did you invite to the party?红豆观察日记 A: I invited my friends and family to the party.喝醉酒的女人2. Q: Whom did you talk to about the project?体毛 A: I talked to my boss and
Nanyue King Muum炒藕[Introduction]继往开来 The Nanyue King Muum, formerly named Nanyue Tomb Muum, was t up at the site of the tomb of a Nanyue King, Zhao Mo by name, who styled h