生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。--泰戈尔Director’s report 董事会报告书 For the year ended 31 December 2005 截至2005年12家乡的年味作文600字月31日止Financial statement 财务报表Principal activit
学生评价用语(优良中差英文版)For Top-Level Student:First-class students have a very firm foundation of English. They remember all words taught in Junior Middle School. And they find it is easy to learn new words in
常用会计科目中英文对照表顺序号编号会计科目名称会计科目英文名称一、资产类1布兰妮歌曲下载1001库存现金Cash on hand21002银行存款Cash in bank31015其它货币资金Other monetary capital41101交易性金融资产Held-for-trading financial astscommitting51121应收票据Notes receivable61
词汇1. He ___that their lab’s safety standards were the best in the country.什么二三事 A. stresd B. asked C. made D. placed2. Dr White was given the prize for his ____achievemen
会 计 科 bdbd目 accounting subject顺序号rial number 编号code number 会计科目名称accounting subject 会计科目适用范围accounting subject range of application一、资产类1 1001 库存现金 cash on hand2 1002 银行存款 bank deposit5 1015 其他货币资金
常用会计科目中英文对照表顺序号编号会计科目名称会计科目英文名称一、资产类11001库存现金Cash on hand21002银行存款Cash in bank31015其它货币资金Other monetary capital41101交易性金融资产Held-for-trading financial asts51121应收票据Notes receivable61122应收账款Accounts r
Unit 111111III. Fill in the blank in each ntence with a word or胃溃疡严重吗MBDphra taken from the box, using its appropriate form.1.The local council has decreed that the hospitals that are not able to
外币交易会计处理的两种观点内容摘要:外币交易会计处理是国际会计中比较复杂的实务问题,也是理论争论最多的焦点之一。本文介绍了外币交易会计处理的单一交易观和两项交易观,列出了其会计处理程序,并在此基础上分析了单一交易观的不合理之处。单一交易观基本上已被两项交易观所取代。关键词:外币交易会计处理单一交易观两项交易观Abstract:The accounting process of the foreig
财经类英语词汇每日十词holding cost 储存成本,置存成本或称carrying cost。指存货在仓库储存过程中所发生的成本。例如,占用资金应付利息、损坏、变质、丢失、陈旧、y报废等损失。根据典型调查表明,储存成本约占存货价值的26%,其中占用资金应付利息占15%,存储费占3%,损失和陈旧等损失占7%,保险费占1%。holding gain or loss 资产置存损益