今日单词:lament莎士比亚的挽歌nubar今日单词:lament [lə'ment]junkmail中文释义:vt.& vi. (为…)哀悼;悲叹; n. 哀歌,挽歌;悲恸,恸哭;;悼词cylinder英文释义: a cry of sorrow and grief;a song or hymn of mourning compod or performed as a memoria
只有你知道今日单词:lament莎士比亚的挽歌今日单词:lament [lə'ment]中文释义:vt.& vi. (为…)哀悼;悲叹; n. 哀歌,挽歌;悲恸,恸哭;;悼词英文释义: a cry of sorrow and grief;a song or hymn of mourning compod or performed as a memorial to a dead pers
墓园挽歌英美诗歌欣赏 Thomas Gray Thomas Gray was born in London into a broker’s family. He got very good school education, first at Eton and then at Cambridge. He left Cambridge without taking a de
英语诗歌:乡村墓园挽歌ElegyWritteninaCountryChurchyardElegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Thomas Gray 托马斯·格雷concertThe curfew tolls the knell of parting day,晚钟为告别的白昼敲起了丧钟,The lowing herd wind slowly o
英语诗歌:乡村墓园挽歌ElegyWritteninaCountryChurchyardElegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Thomas Gray 托马斯·格雷The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,晚钟为告别的白昼敲起了丧钟,The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the