解决流涎口模问题Die drool, or plateout, can cau a host of problems for extrusion processors. Here is how to stop the problem before it starts. 口模流涎或者叫模垢,可能对挤出加工者引起很多问题。本文就是解决这些问题的方法。Click Image to EnlargeFi
bronze解决流涎口模问题Die drool, or plateout, can cau a host of problems for extrusion processors. Here is how to stop the problem before it starts. 口模流涎或者叫模垢,可能对挤出加工者引起很多问题。本文就是解决这些问题的方法。Click Image to Enl
Sheet Extrusion line片材挤出线analyThe most commonly ud plastic materials are:PP(polypropylene),PS(polyester),PET(polyester-phthalate),PE(polyethylene).retire通常所采用的塑料原料包括PP(polypropylene),PS(polyester)
The main function of the runner and gating system is to facilitate the flow of the polymer material from the machine barrel through the nozzle of the injection unit into the mould cavity塑料挤出模具英语术语2.1塑