时间状语从句易错题练习1)交换妈妈When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas. (be)2)1岁He was leaving when someone knocked at the door. (knock)3)汤姆猫简笔画When the manager comes here for a visit n
一、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。如:He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。这是最常见的一种
since后接延续性与短暂性动词的用法项目备案动作速度一、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。如:He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。We have been missing them since they left here自
be suppod to 的用法suppo如何用suppo的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下:1. suppo + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如:I suppo that you are right. 我想你是对的。You can suppo that A equals B. 你可以假定A等于B。2. suppo +
英语语法:瞬间动词和持续性动词用法英语语法:瞬间动词和持续性动词用法3瞬间动词和持续性动词(3)瞬间动词不能与“for+一段时间”连用,表示动作的持续性,应该改成持续性动词。比如:√I have bought a calculator.我已经买了一个计算器。×I have bought the calculator.yaoyao√I have had the calculator for a we
be suppod to 的用法suppo如何用suppo的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下:1. suppo + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如:bucketI suppo that you are right. 我想你是对的。You can suppo that A equals B. 你可以假定A等于B。2. sup
be suppod to 的用法suppo如何用suppo的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下:1. suppo + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如:I suppo that you are right. 我想你是对的。You can suppo that A equals B. 你可以假定A等
be suppod to 的用法suppo如何用suppo的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下:1. suppo + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如:I suppo that you are right. 我想你是对的。You can suppo that A equals B. 你可以假定A等
第57卷 第2期pal pal har pal吉林大学学报(理学版)V o l .57 N o .2 2019年3月J o u r n a l o f J i l i nU n i v e r s i t y (S c i e n c eE d i t i o n )M a r 2019d o i :10.13413/j .c n k i .jd x b l x b .2018221高
Part I. Ten I. Multiple Choice:1. Don’t take his remarks too riously. He will stop saying in that way if no notice _a____ of him. idxa. is taken b. takes c. will b
英语语法:瞬间动词和持续性动词用法英语语法:瞬间动词和持续性动词用代理制度法3瞬间动词和持续性动词(3)瞬间动词不能与“for+一段时间”连用,表示动作的持续性,应该改成持续性动词。比如:√I have bought a calculator.厚颜无耻意思我已经买了一个计算器。×I have bought the calculator.空腹晨跑√I have had the calculator