Embassy of Finland芬兰驻华大使馆Authorization letter for collection of passport/residence permittime in a bottledecision/documents疑犯追踪 第四季托福辅导班领取护照委托书Date(日期):This is to certify that I (Applicant’s Name) aut
翻译繁体字Application for Schengen VisaThis application form is free此表免费Plea fill in this application form only in English 此表格必须用英文填写1. Surname(s) (family name(s)) / 姓For embassy/ consulate u only仅供使领馆
【常用的出国旅游英语对话】出国旅游英语速成狂热者the blues>补习班
常用的出国旅游英语对话virus是什么意思 常用的出国旅游英语对话 常用的出国旅游英语对话一 At the lost-found office of deportment store Tom: Excu me, could you help me Lost Property clerk (L)
坐飞机的英语口语关于坐飞机必备的英语口语伞的英语May I e ur passport, plea?请出示护照How long will you be staying in the United States?remede您在美国停留多长时间?What's the purpo of your visit?您来旅行的目的?Sighteing. /Business.旅游/工作I'm h
Photoof Student学生照片留学申请表 Admission Application Form Student’s particular is solely for the purpos of completing cour submission. 学生个人资料仅限于申请报读课程的手续之用,请打印出来填写完整。
through的⽤法总结有哪些使⽤⽅法Through可以当作介词使⽤,也可以⽤作副词,有穿过、切开、钻透、跑过等含义,具体使⽤⽅法汇总如下,供⼤家参考。through的⽤法1、作介词,指从⼀端移动到另⼀端“穿过”某物,如孔、开⼝或管道。The main path continues through a tunnel of trees.主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。也可以是副词,如:山西太谷
中华人民共和国签证申请表 Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China 请逐项在空白处用中文或英文大写字母打印填写,或在□打×选择。 Plea type your answer in capital English letters in the spaces provide