Charter Ships(租船)网络改变生活Voyage charter(计程租船/航次租船)航次租船又称为计程租船,是以航程为基础的租船方式,在这种租船方式下,船方必须按租船合同规定的航程完成货物运输服务,并负责船舶的经营管理以及船舶在航行中的一切开支费用,租船人(charterer)按约定支付运费。航次租船的合同中规定装卸期(lay days),并计算滞期费(demurrage charte
常见的英语合同 带翻译
The parties to the contract agree as follows:合同双方均同意以下条款如下:
1. The Lessor agrees to lea and the Less
燃料的热值Just like the rain always stops and the fog always clears, no one will fail all the time.简单易用 轻享办公(页眉可删)租房合同中优先购买权的约定是什么? 在房屋租赁合同中,双方可以做出优先购买权的约定,通常是出租人如果将房屋出售,作为承租人有优先购买的权利。并且出租人要提前告知承租人,当然,优先购买
But everyone has forgotten that, no matter how warm and happy, and no matter how spring is approaching, it will also not be able to prevent the coming of the next winter.简单易用 轻享办公(页眉可删)民法典租赁合同全文是什么? 导