1Shiper 发件人√Receiver收件人cartoonistPayer Account No.英文催款函Shipment Insurance 2Shipper's account numberContact Name 联系人4Shipper's reference(up to 32 characters-first 12 will be shown on invoice).中学生英语演讲稿性
1Shiper 发件人√Receiver 收件人Payer Account No.Shipment Insuranc e2Shipper'saccount numberContact Name 联系人4Shipper's reference(up to 32.Company name 公司名称kgAddress 地址5Give content3条形码区Payer account number an
1Shiper 发件人√Receiver收件人Payer Account No.Shipment Insurance 2Shipper's account numberContact Name 联系人4Shipper's reference(up to 32 characters-first 12 will be shown on invoice).Company name 公司名称kgAddre