2024年1月23日发(作者:尤驮子)威廉王子与凯特的结婚誓词,中英文完整版: Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy e
2024年1月23日发(作者:马兴元)结婚誓词的英文翻译 结婚誓词的英文翻译 威廉王子与凯特的结婚誓词,中英文完整版: Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's
2024年1月23日发(作者:靳东发)结婚英文誓词 结婚英文誓词大全 Man & Woman since it is your intention to enter into marriage plea join your right hands and repeat after me. B’Groom(Man): I, ABC take you XYZ as my legal wife, m
Rearch on Ecological T eaching Mode in Anhui Universities under Network EnvironmentXiwu Cheng, Gang Ji戒指中指代表什么意思Anhui University of Finance and EconomicsAbstract: In recent years, with the continuou
This is an unofficial translation. Only the German version is binding.XXXVI. Paper and board for food contactAs of 01.06.2013Preamble1. This Recommendation is valid for single and multi-layered commod
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