究,是提高食品安全性的有效途径。参考文献:[1] CHRISTIANSEN L N. Effect of nitrite and nitrate on toxinproduction by Clostridium botulinum and on nitrosamine formation in perishable canned comminuted cured meat[J].Applied
究,是提高食品安全性的有效途径。参考文献:[1] CHRISTIANSEN L N. Effect of nitrite and nitrate on toxin乳腺癌的原因production by Clostridium botulinum and on nitrosamine formation in perishable canned comminuted cured meat[J].Ap
技术成熟度评价方法在省级重大科技专项管理体系中的定位——基于广东实践的思考仁爱英语八年级上册张娟;黄昕;雷柏茂;张衡【摘 要】Technology Readiness Level(TRL) piloted in mid-term asssment of significant provincial technology project of Guangdong province is disc
技术成熟度评价方法在省级重大科技专项管理体系中的定位——基于广东实践的思考张娟;黄昕;雷柏茂;张衡【摘 要】Technology Readiness Level(TRL) piloted in mid-term asssment of significant provincial technology project of Guangdong province is discusd as