四、翻译unit1ExercisPartC Euphemism Understanding1.landscape engineer 园林工人2.tonsorial artist 理发师3.sanitation engineer 清道夫4.shoe rebuilder补鞋匠unit2 PartC1.soft in the head发疯的2.reckless disregard for truth
一个人发呆英语作文:暑假趣事 Summer holidays山西恒山悬空寺are a great time for me. I had a lot of fun during this summer. 悲伤留给自己One of the funniest things that happened to me this summer was when I went to the beach with
下午好的英语俄乌战争 英语作文第一篇Recently, the war between xxx and xxx has become more brutal.Damashed armored vehicles, falling helicopters, casualties, ruins What's wrong with the world?Constructing a com