(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)35mm镜头1. stylistics2. style3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme6. language7. register 8. acoustic phon
西南大学《英语文体学引论》复习思考题及答案(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)1. stylistics2. style处女座头像女3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme遗失的美好作文6. language
(0161)《中学英语教学法》复习思考题一、 判断正误题 (8分)The following statements are about the facts prented in the textbook, plea indicate in the brackets before the statements whether they are true( T ) or ( F ).(&nbs
《英国文学史》复习思考题20)I.Write out the authors’ names of the following works. (1. Romeo and Juliet2. Tom Jones3. Jane Eyre4. Robinson Crusoe5. A Red Red, Ro6. The Importance of Being Earnest7. Mrs. Warren’s
《英国文学史》复习思考题20)I.Write out the authors’ names of the following works. (于勒1. Romeo and Juliet2. Tom Jones3. Jane Eyre4. Robinson Crusoe5. A Red Red, Ro6. The Importance of Being Earnest7. Mrs. Warren