中等专业学校2022-2023-2教案编号:备课组别英语组课程名称英语所在年级一年级主备教师授课教师授课系部授课班级英译汉转换器授课日期课题Unit8 Green earth Warming up & Listening and Speaking (1)takeafter教学目标1.To learn words and phras about environment pr
梦见鬼上身Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay bad on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss the heavie
An Analysis of the Particularity and Countermeasures of Ideological and Political Education of Independent College StudentsHongyan YangJiangsu Aviation Technical CollegeAbstract: Being the
江苏省XY中等专业学校2022-2023-2教案编号:备课组别英语组课程名称英语所在年级一年级主备教师授课教师授课系部授课班级授课日期课题Unit2 Health and Fitness Warming up & Listening and Speaking (1)教学汤姆索亚历险记内容简介目标1. ss can understand some conversation about hea
New Progressive College English Book IIIUnit 3 Happiness教材名称New Progressive College EnglishInspire 3章节Unit 3 Happiness君子不欺暗室章节分析重点Listening for General Understanding and Details难点Basic listening
2012 TEM4TEXT ASaying “thank you ”is probably the first thing most of uslearn to do in a foreign language .After all ,we’re broughtup to be polite ,and it&
教育教学论坛如何增大眼睛inactivejoahEDUCATION TEACHING FORUM 2020年9月第39期Sept.2020No.39古诗三百首小学生必背基于SPOC教学模式的《植物学》微课设计与制作曹宏哲,王俊玲,申珅(河北农业大学生命科学学院,河北保定071001)当前,“互联网+”已经融入人们生活的方方面面,现代信息技术飞速发展,高等教育逐渐进入了数字时代,这些都要求高校教学也