在科学的英语有所建树的人物事例Zhang Heng was a famous scientist in ancient China. The ismograph invented by Zhang Heng has long been lost, and the ismograph model tried to restore in the 1950s was not successful
不露圭角英语作文:美育aesthetic educationBeauty, is a kind of emotion expression for objective things. Aesthetic education, is one of the most basic outlook on life education, is particularly important in today'
作为的意思拌饭酱作为是一个汉语词汇,拼音是zuòwéi。意思是行为,所作所为;建树,成就;可以做的事,大有作为。国泰民安对联基本解释:[what one does;conduct;deed;action]∶所作所为;行为。从他的作为可以看出他的态度。于欢案判决书遵守的英文[achievement;accomplishment]∶人在事业中的建树与成就。她不会有大的作为。[regard as;tak