Chapter 1 The First Civilizations 1) Otzi?s life was a good example of the human experience inA)the Stone Age.B)central Greece.C)what is now modern Turkey.D)Italy.E)the Iron Age.2)The first humanlike
Chapter 1 The First Civilizations 1) Otzi?s life was a good example of the human experience inA)the d collegeB)central Greece.C)what is now modern Turkey.D)the mythItaly.E)the Iron Age.2)
Chapter 1 The First Civilizations 1) Otzi?s life was a good example of the human experience inA)the Stone Age.B)central Greece.体育锻炼的好处C)what is now modern Turkey.D)Italy.贝组词E)the Iron Age.2)The first
1. Mesopotamia Civilization美索不达米亚(两河)文明2. the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers底格里斯河和幼发拉底河3. Babylonians巴比伦人4. Hellenism希腊文化5. Alexander the Great6. Punic War布匿战争7. Constantine康斯坦丁8. The Edict of Milan米兰赦令9