免疫素抗体注射液⼁传染病的终结者......免疫素【兽药名称】商品名:免疫素Name:Immune elementdisappoint>旅行的艺术通⽤名:动物抗体注射液rocket manCommon name: animalantibody injection汉语拼⾳: Dong wu kangti Zhu she yeChine pinyin: dong wu kang ti zhu sh
第26卷 第3期黄牛杂志V ol.26N o.3 2000年6月J o urnal of Yello w Cat tle Science Jun.2000文章编号:1001-9111(2000)03-0058-04铬的生物学作用及其在畜禽生产中的应用杨学义1,曹斌云1,田 玮2(1.西北农林科技大学动物科学与动物医学学院,陕西杨凌712100;2.河南农业大学牧医工程学院,河南郑州450002)&
Effect and mechanism of glucocorticoid on glutamatergic andGABAergic neurons in the amygdalaAbstractObjective: To investigate the effect and mechanism of glucocorticoid on subcellular compartments and
frontotem poral activity during w ord encoding and recognition in schizophrenia.Am J Psychiatry,2004;161:100421015. 8.Andrean NC,Paradis o S,O’Leary DS.“C ognitive dysme2tria”as an integrative theor