我就曾经被问过屡次。我会答复说不,我长大后不想当总统。有一个年纪大的叔叔,当着母亲的面向我提出这个问烂了的问题,发现了我对当总统不感兴趣,他就接着又问:“那你长大了想干什么呢?〞3 I loved to pick through trash piles and collect empty bottles, tin cans with pretty labels, and discar
类型二 选择型话题1 兴趣与爱好及情感态度Passage 1(2018·天津)(限时:7分钟 分值:10分 实际用时: 得分: )I did something wrong today.While at the beach this afternoon, I met a boy called Bob. We talked a lot. He said that it wa