海员专业英语基础知识一、甲板部工作用语 1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, plea! 请升起/降下“H”旗! 2. Hoist the Chine national flag on the fore mast, plea! 请在前桅升起中国旗 3. Hoist/lower one black ball, plea! 请挂上/降下一个黑球 4. Hoist a
Lesson3ShipsintheDertLesson 3 Ships in the Dertin the sun: in the sunlight, as oppod to in the shade under the sun在天底下, 在地上; 在这个世上everything under the sun is everything that exists or is possibl
海员专业英语基础知识一、甲板部工作用语 1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, plea! 请升起/降下“H”旗! 2. Hoist the Chine national flag on the fore mast, plea! 请在前桅升起中国旗 3. Hoist/lower one black ball, plea! 请挂上/降下一个黑球 4. Hoist a
Lesson3ShipsintheDert朗诵文>snowballLesson 3 Ships in the Dertin the sun: in the sunlight, as oppod to in the shade under the sun在天底下, 在地上; 在这个世上everything under the sun is everything that exists o
(四).装卸货开始、期间、结束常用英语1. 你好,大副,我是码头卸货负责人,欢迎到青岛港来,我们将为你们提供优质服务.Hello, Chief Officer ,I’m Loading Master .Welcome to Qing Dao Port ,we will give you a good rvice.2.这个航次装货量是多少?How many tons of cargo are
一、甲板部工作用语1. Hoist/l ower the “H”flag, please! 请升起/降下“H”旗!2.Hoist the Chine nation al flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗3.Hoist/l ower one blackball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球4.Hoist a
1.Heave the head/stern line. 绞头缆/尾缆。 2 绞紧横缆和倒缆。 3.Stop heaving the head/stern line and the spring. 停绞头/尾缆和倒缆。 4.Hold the head/stern line and the spring. 拉头/尾缆和倒缆。 5.Make fast the head/stern line and t