Form V.2013 中华人民共和国签证申请表Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China(For the Mainland of China only)申请人必须如实、完整、清楚地填写本表格。请逐项在空白处用中文或英文大写字母打印填写,或在□内打√选择。如有关项目不适用, 请写“无”。The applicant should f
外国人签证、居留许可申请表Visa or Residence Permit Application Form请用黑色墨水笔填写申请表内容Plea complete the form with a black ink pen (no ballpoint)1、英文姓名 姓:________________ 名 Name in English:&
美国居留证明声明书 Affidavit of U.S Residencelico>英语一姓名(Name):_______ 性别(Gender): ____生活大爆炸第六季下载出生日期(Date of Birth):____________ 出生地(Place of Birth):_______曙色加拿大感恩节身份证件名称(ID Type):____________ 号码(No.):___
外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法(英文版)Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in Chinaremindme(Approved by the State Council on December 13, 2003, and promulgated
外国人签证、居留许可申请表Visa or Residence Permit Application Form请用黑色墨水笔填写申请表内容Plea complete the form with a black ink pen (no ballpoint)1、英文姓名 姓:石家庄到西安多少公里________________ 名 Name in