使用方法:1、需安装版google,打开google选择所需区域截图保存为JPG格式陈赓2、在Excel中自建一个workbook,ALT+F11进入VBA界面,新建一个模块,将代码拷贝进去。代码如下:Option ExplicitPrivate Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As
∙be the cat's whiskers了不起的东西〔人或主意〕be the best thing, person, idea, etc.flash 音乐He thinks he's the cat's whiskers.他自命不凡。∙cat and dog life争吵不休的生活 a life in which partners are frequently or consta
旅游管理论文∙be the cat's whiskers了不起的东西〔人或主意〕be the best thing, person, idea, etc.He thinks he's the cat's whiskers.他自命不凡。∙cat and dog life争吵不休的生活 a life in which partners are frequently or constant
正文中的对他人文章,思想等的引用,需要用“尾注”的形式表示.正文中“上标”形式标出,在正文后的“Notes”中,详细标出引文的出处。正文中的数字必须和“Notes”中的数字相对。例:正文:.... Also, if the proliferation of electronic databa on different formats is any guide, electronic texts
Positive number 正数Negative number 负数Rational numbet 有理数Number axis 数轴法国预科Origin 原点Opposite number 相反数Absolute value 绝对值Power 幂Ba number 底数Expoent 指数Approximate number 近似数Signifcant digit 有效数字Monomia