霍格沃茨法学校Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry学生须掌握的基本咒语及大事年表咒语名 咒语 用途飞来咒 Accio 把东西招来原形立现 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 打开门或箱子、盒子之类的东西蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 使人倒地塔朗泰拉舞 C
哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)简介:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, first published in 1998, is the cond instalment in the Harry Potter ries written by J. K. Rowling. Duri
用十句电影台词搞定面试官用十句电影台词搞定面试官八年级下册英语单词跟读1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity."V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Weaving)卖犊买刀是什么生肖没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样.__《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明)2、"A good plan today is better than a
最励志经典的十句电影台词(英汉对照)1. There is no certainty, only opportunity. V for Vendetta (2005) V (Hugo Weaving)london bridgewalking没有必然,只有机遇。《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明)routine2. A good plan today is better than a perfect p