bec商务英语考试真题答案 BEC考前及答案好了,喜欢就来看看吧! 1. Although he was a f( )e at school, he became a suessful man later. 失败者 2. He was so c( )s to know what was in the letter that he o
第三课 Plea nd me a card 请给我寄一张明信片有关青春的作文★1. nd 寄,送,派遣,打发cau sb to go or sth to be taken without going onelf(nd – nt –nt )1) 加双宾语 nd sb sth = nd sth to sb&nb
《玩火的女孩》斯蒂格·拉尔松著Stieg Larsson's "The Girl Who Played With Fire"你好欢迎Hello. Welcome.过来对就那样好多了Come here. Yes, like that. Much better.你能乖点吗Will you be good to me?你能乖点吗我就会对你温柔Will you be good to me? Then I'