1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚! B: Sorry about that. Are you all right? 对不起。你没事吧? 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m really sorry
1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚! B: Sorry about that. Are you all right? 对不起。你没事吧? 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m really sorry
关于宽容的英语名言语录带翻译宽容是最美丽的一种情感,也是一种崇高的境界,今天店铺为大家带来关于宽容的英语名言,希望大家会喜欢这些宽容的励志英文语录。关于宽容的英语名言多宽恕别人,少宽恕自己。more than forgive, forgive yourlf less。最高贵的复仇之道是宽容。the noblest vengeance is to forgive。最高贵的复仇是宽容。the no
辩论赛主持人英文稿Be quiet, dear ladies and gentlemen. Our debate is going to start. Plea power off your mobile phone or turn it into mute mode. Thank you for your corporation. Good morning, boys and girls,
英语表达道歉与感谢的句子 1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚! B: Sorry about that. Are you all right?对不起。你没事吧? 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m
美丽的邻居牛津高中英语M7短语M7U1 Living with technology1. 与……保持联系keep in touch with与……取得联系get in touch with(动作)与……失去联系lo touch with(状态)与……失去联系be out of touch with2. 坚持原则stick to one's principle(s)违背某人的原则be again
1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚! B: Sorry about that. Are you all right? 对不起。你没事吧?大黄药 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m really so
ness nes-nis n. 海角,突端 glibness 'glibnis n. 圆滑,善辩,能说善道 d5.1B.9 dumbness 'd∧mnis n. 无言, 沉默, 哑 d2.5E.9 numbness 'n∧mnis n. 麻木, 麻痹 abstractness 'aebstraektnisaeb'straektnis n
俄式俯卧撑第一集 1、 “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius 子曰:“攻乎异端,斯害己也。” 2、 When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday School proverb t
WeWillRockYou歌词关于爸爸的作文We Will Rock YouBuddy。you're a boy老兄,你是个小孩挺进花蕊XXX大声嚷嚷的在街头Gonna be a big man someday如果有一天能成为大人You got mud on your face你脸上沾着泥土You big disgrace你太丢脸了99打一个字草鞋底鱼Kicking your can all ov