MTO、ATO、ETO一、ATO(Asmble to Order,面向定单装配) ATO的最根本特征就是:客户能直接对产品的配置做选择。小花朵ATO模式的交付周期不会很长,组装用的部件要么有库存要么有供应保障,只要获得了客户定单,就可以开始进行装配,这就是ATO。我为卿狂下载 假如最后装配所需要的部件在客户定单确
ebay德国退货模板篇一:ebay 信息回复模板3客人请求取消定单hi ,thank you for contacting usas your request ,we nt a cancel request to you.plea accept that then you do not have to pay anything.welcome back anytime ,hope to d
MRP元素的缩写Six character description which stands for the corresponding MRP element and which describes this element in greater detail.六种个性化的缩写代表相应的MPR元素,并且更加细节化。You can change this short text in Customi
可爱老虎erp 术语函数(ERP term function)This batch method will determine the order quantity of a planned order as a quantity or multiple that is previously determined by experience.党建工作个人总结POQ Periodic Order Q
erp 术语函数(ERP term function)This batch method will determine the order quantity of a planned order as a quantity or multiple that is previously determined by experience.英语话题作文POQ Periodic Order Quantit