完形填空(一)Although I love my life, it hasn't been a lot of fun as I've been ill for 28 years.汕头有什么好玩的地方Music has always been a great love of mine and in my twenties, when my 1
Food in France French cuisine has evolved extensively over centuries. The national cuisine started forming in the Middle Ages due to the influence of the work of skilled chefs and variou
我爱臭美英语日记带翻译我爱臭美英语日记带翻译儿童画美人鱼我很小,也很懒,妈妈说我又懒又黑,我生气地说:“等你们走了,我把妈妈的假发戴上,再戴上爸爸的.墨镜,抹上妈妈的口红,看我美不美!”妈妈说:“你臭美!”带反义词的四字词语南丁格尔小姐I'm very young and lazy. My mother said I'm lazy and black. I said angrily, "when
Kelly the Rescue Dog怀孕可以吃莲子吗IntroductionEarthquake Rock Western TurkeyMany feared Buried AliveOn 17th August 1999, at 3 o’clock in the morning, a terrible earthquake shook western Turkey. It was one o
动词填空:1. What he said just now reminded (remind) me of the American professor.2. The professor referred (refer) to at the meeting is from Beijing university.3. In the United States, lunch is provided (
四级作文题目: Should Firecrackers Be Banned?(a)Some people think that tting off firecrackers is a good thing. They say that it is an ancient Chine custom which should be prerved. They also cla