1. 也怎么组词随着旅游人数的增多,游客不文明现象突增2. 分析此现象造成的不良影响3. 提倡大家做文明游客。三千越甲可吞吴整首诗主题句:1. As the number of the tourists increas, the uncivilized behaviors ri quickly in many scenic spots/places. / There is a growin
综合英语3Unit2P22A.Fill in the fallowing blanks with the information from the text.1.The age of Sadako when the atomic bomb was dropped:______.2.The name of Sadako’s illness:______.3.The initial symptoms
浮士德简介外研社高二英语课件外研社高二英语课件高二了,同学们学习的`课程也会增多?那么如何才能不让自己的英语成绩下降呢?Lesson objectives:1。Guide students to learn about the usage of auxiliaries ud in identifying.初中记叙文2。Make sure that students can make dialo
可治性罕见病—原发性血小板增多症一、疾病描述travel in chinawalking on air原发性血小板增多症(esntial thrombocythemia,ET)是克隆性造血干细胞疾病。是骨髓增殖性肿瘤的一种类型。其特征为血小板过度增生和相关的JAK2(V617F、Exon12)、MPL(M515L/K/A)或CALR(Exon9)基因突变[1-7]。ET可表现为血栓或出血,部分