常见介词的用法一.about作介词的用法: ①.关于a. What are you talking about ?b. I read about it in today’ When I first saw you together, I was so happy about it.d. You are entirely wrong about the whole mat
sqlrver⼩数四舍五⼊,保留lect cast(round(12.5,2) as numeric(5,2))解释:round()函数,是四舍五⼊⽤,第⼀个参数是我们要被操作的数据,第⼆个参数是设置我们四舍五⼊之后⼩数点后显⽰⼏位。numeric函数的2个参数,第⼀个表⽰数据长度,第⼆个参数表⽰⼩数点后位数。cast as numeric(5,2
第四章词语的翻译第四章词语的翻译语义来自上下文民间性经济文化关系、民间组织non-governmental民间传说popular民间工艺folk在中国人心中in the minds of心甘情愿be most willing to心明眼亮be sharp-eyed and clear-minded心连心heart linked to heart心里话one’s innermost thoughts
Starter ModuleModule 3 My English bookUnit 1 What’s this in English?(2 periods)Ⅰ. Analysis of the text:In 真爱遇到他插曲this text students will learn how to recognize objects in the class.Ⅱ. Arrangement of t
在汉英翻译中,我们经常会遇到数量增加、减少的问题。然而英汉两种语言在倍数增减的表达上存在着很大差异,别说翻译了,就算是拿一篇现成的段落或文章来考考大家的阅读理解能力,也未必所有人都能准确理解文章内容。请读者试着翻译这个句子:与去年同期相比,今年的出口总量增长了两倍。译文:The total amount of the export has incread by three times, com