I. Choo the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:1. …has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the dert. &nb
Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies伤感成语Implications and Applications哥本哈根在哪Mona BakerCobuild, BirminghamAbstractThe ri of corpus linguistics has rious implications for any discipline in whic
I. Choo the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:1. …has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the dert. &nb
使用方法【商品名称】信必可都保【通用名称】布地奈德福莫特罗粉吸入剂(运动员慎用)【药品名称】通用名:布地奈德福莫特罗粉粉吸入剂(信必可都保)商品名:信必可都保英文名:Bud esoni de an d For moter ol Fu marat e Pow der f or In halat ion汉语拼音:B udina ide F